Tuesday, October 26, 2004

October 26,2004

Here's to a sunny day and I'm finally starting to feel better. The girls, of course, have their usual asthma cough due to their colds. I have just found out that Bud is working until 11:00 pm tonight because they're so busy at work. I think he wanted to give some of the overworked guys a break (Ashley - Brandon will be home tonight, I think). I forgot to fill everyone in on The DaVinci Code. It was a fast read and very well written. I enjoyed it so much, I went and bought another of Dan Brown's novels - Digital Fortress. I'll let you know how it is. I am currently reading The Poisonwood Bible which had been recommended to me a few years ago. I had a hard time getting into then but I'm zipping through it now. I am loving it so far. Nothing else is new. I was able to catch up on lots of reading while I was sick. I think I've read everything by Anita Shreve and I highly recommend her novels. My favourite one is The Last Time They Met. I think I should start or join a book club. Does anyone know of a good one in this area or is anyone interested in starting one with me? Let me know. If anyone knows of a novel I might like, please let me know. Holy cow, what a boring blog. I can't believe I just wrote so much about reading. Maybe I'm growing up. I guess that is what the big 30 does. I'm finally starting to figure out who I am. I'm not just a mother and a wife. I am a person with needs that need to be met as well. I think that reading has helped stimulate my brain. I think I was actually in a funk for the last five years. I am ready to get out of it and do something with myself. No more avoidance or trying to escape! No more self pity! I am ready to develop a healthy self esteem. Any suggestions on how to do this? Let me know. I'm good enough, I'm smart enough, and doggone it, people like me! I guess that's a start!


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