Thursday, December 08, 2005

Murphy's Law

Michaely broke a candle by accident this morning and cried hysterically on the way to school thinking I was mad at her. I was not mad and was not planning on being mad. So I'm at work today - went for a walk with the students. I come back and on my desk is a note from Michaely telling me she is sick. I take the afternoon off and bring her home at lunch. The first thing she does is step on a piece of glass from the broken candle and goes into full out freak out mode. Good times. I thought I had picked it all up in my rush to get to work on time. Anyhoo, the cut has a Bandaid and peroxide. The good news is she will live. Bud then comes home with a migraine and I go back to work to help out. I also have to pick up Brooklyn. I am going to bed now so nothing else can go wrong. If it does, hopefully I will sleep through it.Ciao - and here's hoping for a better tomorrow!

Monday, December 05, 2005

Home Today

Woke up puking at 5:30 am. Good times - and NO I am not pregnant. I have the flu - it royally sucks. I do have time now to talk about my quirks. I will not for the life of me share a drink or utensil with anyone ever - I don't actually think this is a quirk as much as it is a health issue. If I am going on a road trip - I have to drive - even if it's not my truck. It's a control issue - I hate it when people can't do the speed limit when I'm in the car. I can't stand it when people are in the passing lane and they're not passing people!!!! I have to drive - no question. (Bud drives when he is with me, he likes to be in control as well - he's a good driver though). I salt everything before I taste it. I can't go to the bathroom in the middle of the night without turning on lights as I go - even in my own house. Figure that one out. I have to win. If I don't win, I carry the loss with me for a long time. I brush my teeth all of the time and I am addicted to Scope. I have a real issue with smelling good. I remember having stinky-breathed teachers so I always make sure I smell good. Perfume, mouthwash, deodorant, mints, gum. I even make sure my lips smell good (I hate stinky lipstick). I have to reccomend the new Blistex roll-on lip balm. Minty-vanilla. I will not eat garlic during the week - maybe on a Friday night (and I LOVE garlic). I buy the Lavender ($$$$) Downy for my clothes. I buy shampoo based on scent. I buy hand lotion based on scent. Before I go into a class or work with students, I put on scented hand lotion, fresh lip gloss and pop a mint. I don't want to be the stinky one. Yep - obsessed with smelling good. Right now I have Vanilla Air Wick scented oil going, I'm going to light fruity candles and I'm going to have a coconut bubble bath.