Wednesday, October 27, 2004

October 27, 2004

Okay, so I slept in until 9:45. Oops. I did have the children wake me up periodically for different reasons (breakfast anyone?). They were in emergency last night. I thought their asthma was out of control so I took them in. There asthma is very controlled but they have bronchitis. I'm glad I took them in. Now they can start on antibiotics as well. They've missed lots of school but they should be back to normal for next week. I'm glad I'm off work to look after them. As I said in my last blog, I have to start taking care of myself as well. What am I going to do today? I thought about giving the house a good cleaning (haha). That, of course, isn't doing something for myself. I'm sort of stuck in the house with the girls. Maybe I'll take them for a drive to get out for awhile. I think I'll have to wait for Bud to get home before I can really do anything on my own. I want to watch the baseball game tonight. I really hope Boston wins it in 4 straight! That would be thrilling for them. I have to watch what I say as Bud is such a huge Yankees fan. It is time to share the wealth. I dared Allyson to write an entirely positive blog. I hope she's not offended and I hope she dares me to write something as well. Here's to another day!

Tuesday, October 26, 2004

October 26,2004

Here's to a sunny day and I'm finally starting to feel better. The girls, of course, have their usual asthma cough due to their colds. I have just found out that Bud is working until 11:00 pm tonight because they're so busy at work. I think he wanted to give some of the overworked guys a break (Ashley - Brandon will be home tonight, I think). I forgot to fill everyone in on The DaVinci Code. It was a fast read and very well written. I enjoyed it so much, I went and bought another of Dan Brown's novels - Digital Fortress. I'll let you know how it is. I am currently reading The Poisonwood Bible which had been recommended to me a few years ago. I had a hard time getting into then but I'm zipping through it now. I am loving it so far. Nothing else is new. I was able to catch up on lots of reading while I was sick. I think I've read everything by Anita Shreve and I highly recommend her novels. My favourite one is The Last Time They Met. I think I should start or join a book club. Does anyone know of a good one in this area or is anyone interested in starting one with me? Let me know. If anyone knows of a novel I might like, please let me know. Holy cow, what a boring blog. I can't believe I just wrote so much about reading. Maybe I'm growing up. I guess that is what the big 30 does. I'm finally starting to figure out who I am. I'm not just a mother and a wife. I am a person with needs that need to be met as well. I think that reading has helped stimulate my brain. I think I was actually in a funk for the last five years. I am ready to get out of it and do something with myself. No more avoidance or trying to escape! No more self pity! I am ready to develop a healthy self esteem. Any suggestions on how to do this? Let me know. I'm good enough, I'm smart enough, and doggone it, people like me! I guess that's a start!

Friday, October 22, 2004

October 22, 2004

It's snowing!!!!!Yes, I'm alive. I finally got my computer back after many viruses were healed. I'm so happy everything is working a little faster now (except for my bowels but that's a different story). mI'm super sick and am on bronchial antibiotics until Monday. I have to gor for blood tests this morning before I can eat anything. What a hoot. Absolutely nothing else is new as I have been in bed with the flu and now this. It's a good thing I'm already off work. The kids are home today because it's a Pro-D day. I will tell you that the staff really does work on these days - I am just not one of them this year. Gotta go get poked!

Tuesday, October 05, 2004

October 5, 2004

It's another sunny fall day. I hear the weather will change soon so I better get out and enjoy it. Note to all: Wait and rent A Shark Tale. It wasn't half as good as Shrek. I should have known. It said it was from the makers of Shrek, not the writers. It was okay. I went to Colville yesterday and purchased the new Colgate with breath strips. Do I love it? Yes! Will I buy it again? For sure! I also bought a frozen package of Crockpot Sensations and am looking forward to using it soon. I also stocked up on Excedrin PM, Aleve, and Air Born! I love the products only available in the USA.

Saturday, October 02, 2004

October 2, 2004

It's Saturday! I'm so happy - it's not even noon yet and we've cleaned the entire house and I'm on the third load of laundry. My parents are having a bonfire picnic this afternoon so now I can go without feeling like I've got lots to do at home. I just wish Shannie was here for the coveted 'folding party' I will be having later on this evening.
Ashley - why don't you allow comments on your blogs? It's nice to hear what people think. I'm happy I inspired you Knicker-Girl.
Yesterday was a gorgeous fall day here in the Kootenays. I went golfing in the morning with Wayne, Barry and Greg in Salmo. It's a $1 a hole on Mon,Wed, & Fri. I golfed 9 holes for under $10! We lost so many balls due to the fallen leaves. I actually lost my best ball (an inner-gel Taylor Made) in a shrub. The term "shrubbery" was used the rest of the morning (I hope all of you Monty Python fans know why).
I guess I'll head out early to my parents house and take the girls to McD's for lunch. They just have to go. The Happy Meals come with Hello Kitty toys and how can my children possibly survive if they don't collect all 4? I love this commercial society.
The Da Vinci Code is excellent so far. I am having trouble reading it at night because I can't put it down and Bud wants the light off so he can sleep. The book is very fast paced and suspenseful so I find that my mind is racing when I turn out the light. I'll probably finish it tomorrow (after I host an early family bbq).
I guess I better get ready to go!
Talk to y'all later!