Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Another Long Weekend Come and Gone

May 24th. This means that my fahter turned 58 yesterday. Wow. I remember when he was in his early thirties. I'll be 31. Wow - time flies. I spent Sunday night at my parents house on the river. It was so beautiful there. There was the brightest rainbow I have ever seen on Sunday evening. It was breathtaking. My girls and I just stared at it and talked about its beauty. I think that's what life is about. I keep trying to dig deeper for some reason. I think I'm going to start enjoying the simple things more, like rainbows and my girls. I'm going to stop and smell the roses. I am going to cut my cable. There is absolutely nothing worth watching. I can get all the news I need on the KBS weather report (sorry Simon and Garfunkel). Hey - movie reccomendation: Garden State then, buy the soundtrack. I'm going to go enjoy the sunshine (after work, of course).

Monday, May 16, 2005

I'm Starting to Give My Blogs Titles

I just realized that I the date and time show up on my blogspot, so I can actually title my blogs. I guess I need to start paying attention to detail. So, yes it rained on our parade. It actually poured all weekend. To add to the crumminess of it all, I was handed a coupon for Curves during the parade. Everyone else got to taste test hot wings from the Rock Cut Pub. That really made my day. I swear that fair cost me over $100. Ridiculous. Partly sunny today - just in time for a Monday. I do have to say that I had fun visiting everyone I saw on the weekend (even though I was in tight pants and they were picking chicken out of their teeth). Happy Monday to you all!

Friday, May 13, 2005

May 13, 2005

I have never beeen supersticious, yet I need to mention the fact that it is Friday the 13th. I also saw a black cat walk under a ladder this morning. Coincidence? I think not. I must stay away from all mirrors. Allyson, the Esplanade is behind the Royal Theatre along the river toward the new bridge. Interesting that we still call it the "new bridge". We are not taking our students to the fair today. We are having a bake sale here at the school to raise money for a class camping trip. I remember the old days when the provincial government allowed us enough funds for field trips. Now, we pay our taxes, and we do all of the fund raising. We'll see what happens on May 17th (B.C.'s provincial vote). I will be taking my kids to the fair tonight and the parade tomorrow. It is, of course, supposed to rain tomorrow. Hence, the rides after school. I will not kill any spiders today, thenm maybe it won't rain. Maybe I am supersticious.

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

May 11, 2005

I haven't been posting the last few days due to my not being at work. Brooklyn was home sick so I was busy with her most of the time. She's better today and things are back to normal (where's some wood to knock on?). So it's the big weekend in the Kootenays - Silver City Days. All of the carnies are along the Esplanade setting up the rides. Yes, I think it is still the same Zipper I rode as a naive child. I'm so scared for anyone attempting to go on it this year. It's kind of cool now that the rides are set up along the riverside. The food vendors are set up along a side street instead of along the main drag. I think we'll take our students there for a field trip on Friday and talk a little bit about Italian heritage (to make it a little bit educational). The parade is Saturday and my kids can't wait to fill their bags with candy. These are the days I actually enjoy living in a small town. You get to see lots of people and it's just a fun thing to do. We'll be having people over on Saturday with their children since Bud has broken down and bought the girls a trampoline. I insisted on the netting, so I feel a little bit better about it. It's actually great fun for them and it gets them out playing in the yard more. Michaely is having a friend sleep over and I've got a girfriend coming from out of town (who actually is of Italian heritage). I'm sure I'll be busy. I know that I'll be busy cleaning tonight afterwork since we're expecting all of this company and I am having the carpets cleaned tomorrow afternoon. So, that's that. Sorry again to Wandering Coyote for the name reveal. I thought of it after I posted it. Oops.

Friday, May 06, 2005

May 6, 2005

Okay - I was too busy at work yesterday to blog. I thought about it. I actually tried to write a quick blurb but the internet was down at the school. We were teaching our students about Mexico - Cinco de Mayo. We had chips, salsa, virgin margaritas, and a pinata. It was fun and it kept us very busy. After work I took the girls over to my friend's house and we had dinner there because Bud was golfing and having dinner at the golf course. When I got home, I watched my favourite show - THE APPRENTICE. Yay! A woman is actually going to win this year. I called Tana from the start. I like her style. She doesn't put up with any crap from anyone. She would make a great leader for a coorporation (not that I know absolutely anything about leaders and coorporations). Oh well, I'm actually blogging from home today so that I won't get too busy at work to do it. So now, I have to go get ready for work.

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

May 4, 2005

Okay - look at me - 2 days in a row! I have a funny little story to tell about yesterday afternoon. I had a hectic day at work. I come home and Bud is organizing the entire basement. I mean the entire basement - storage rooms, laundry room, computer room. This, of course, meant my going through boxes and boxes of storage. I told him there was no way this was happening without a little vino. So I went and bought a bottle of wine and we started in on it all. I fianlly was finished, so I made dinner. After dinner, I told the kids that I just wanted to relax because I had a bad workday. Michaely pipes up and says, "...and a bad hair day."
Isn't that all I needed. I laughed hysterically. Then Brooklyn says..."no, really Mom, it is bad. You should look in the mirror."
I refused to look in the mirror. I figured I was going to bed soon enough. It was only going to get worse. Oh, out of the mouths of babes. At least I've taught them honesty. (?)
So that basically sums up yesterday. If anything amusing happens today, I'll be sure to let you know tomorrow.

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

May 3, 2005

Well, Allyson has got on my case about the blog. I will now be using it more often to stay in touch with the rest of the world. What is new? I am back to work 5 days a week at a job that I enjoy. I work as a Child and Youth Care Worker in a School District intervention program. I'm actually at work on my break. Maybe this will be the time I blog daily since I don't have the kids running around the house constantly calling me (not that I mind). But really, don't hold me to anything. I actually really enjoy blogging - any chance to talk about myself is just fantastic...and there is nobody to interrupt me. Yay! I guess I've mostly been doing the family thing. Now that spring has sprung, we've been doing lots of yard stuff and bbq's. I'm looking forward to summer. Well, gotta go - break's over!